Exhibit Agreement Form

As an artist or curator, you may have a desire to share your artwork or collections with the public through exhibitions in galleries, museums, or other art spaces. However, before any exhibition can take place, it is common practice to create an exhibit agreement form.

An exhibit agreement form is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of an art exhibition. It is an agreement between the artist or curator and the venue or organization that is hosting the exhibition.

This document serves many purposes. Firstly, it ensures that both parties are clear about the responsibilities and expectations of each other. Secondly, it protects both parties in the event of any disputes or issues that may arise during the exhibition. Lastly, it sets the tone for a professional working relationship between the artist or curator and the venue or organization.

The exhibit agreement form typically includes information about the exhibition dates, the art pieces to be displayed, the installation and de-installation processes, and the compensation for the artist or curator. It may also cover topics such as security, insurance, promotional materials, and any restrictions on the artwork.

One key aspect of the exhibit agreement form is the compensation section. Payment may be made in the form of a commission on sales or a flat fee for the exhibition. This section should be carefully negotiated to ensure both parties are receiving fair value for their contribution to the exhibition.

Another important detail in the exhibit agreement form is the insurance section. It should be determined who will be responsible for insuring the artwork during transport, installation, and the exhibition period. This can help avoid any costly damages or losses that may occur.

Additionally, the exhibit agreement form should outline the responsibilities of both parties regarding promotional materials. The artist or curator may provide images and descriptions of the artwork to be used in advertisements and social media, while the venue or organization may have specific requirements for the use of their branding and logos.

In conclusion, an exhibit agreement form is an essential tool for artists and curators who are planning to exhibit their work. It ensures a clear understanding of the terms and expectations of the exhibition, and can help avoid any issues or disputes that may arise. By taking the time to carefully negotiate and review the exhibit agreement form, both parties can enter into a professional and mutually beneficial working relationship.